DITA QUESTION - MCQ 7 | YCTC Dita Question Paper
61. Controls are: _____
a) Code
b) Method
c) Object
d) None
Answer: C
62. DCL Provides Commands To Perform Actions Like_____
a) Change The Structure Of Tables.
b) Insert, Update Or Delete Records And Data Values
c) Authorizing Access And Other Control Over Database
d) None Of Above
Answer: C
63. Debug window is the same as ____ window.
a) procedure.
b) object.
c) form
d) code
Answer: D
64. Autoredraw = True Property is used for_____
a) Display Text on Command Button
b) Display Text on Label
c) Display Text on Frame
d) Display Some Text on Form Body
Answer: D
65. What is name of format : abc@rediffmail.com?
a) Email Id
b) Web site
c) WordProcessor
d) None
Answer: A
66. Which of the following sorting algorithms is of divide-and-conquer type?
a) Bubble sort
b) Insertion sort
c) Quick sort
d) All of above
Answer: C
67. Which one is not the property of algorithm?
a) Generality
b) Infiniteness
c) Finiteness
d) Correctness
Answer: B
68. MAX Property is for_____
a) Label
b) TextBox
c) HScrollBar
d) ComboBox
Answer: C
69. What Are The Different Views To Display A Table?
a) Datasheet view
b) Design view
c) Pivot table and Pivot Chart view
d) All of above
Answer: D
70. MS-Access is a _____
a) RDBMS package.
b) Language.
c) Drawing package.
d) Operating system.
Answer: A