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1. Even if we define a function in a class, then also we need to declare it first_____
c) N.A.
d) N.A.
Answer: B

2. Constructors has return type void ?
c) N.A.
d) N.A.
Answer: A
3. The major goal of inheritance in C++ is ?
a) To facilitate the reusability of code
b) To help modular programming
c) To facilitate the conversion of data types
d) To extend the capabilities of a class
Answer: A
4. Data members and member functions are enclosed within ?
a) union
b) structure
c) class
d) array
Answer: C
5. What is the output of this strict equality operator? 5 === '5'
c) N.A.
d) N.A.
Answer: B
6. Which of the following javascript functions are used to convert nonnumeric values into numbers?
a) Number()
b) parseFloat()
c) parseInt()
d) All of the above
Answer: D
7. ________ returns true if a variable is an array, if not false.
a) Array.isArray()
b) Array.from()
c) Array.of()
d) Array.observe()
Answer: A

8. The function definitions in JavaScript begins with_____
a) Identifier and Parantheses
b) Return type and Identifier
c) Return type, Function keyword, Identifier and Parantheses
d) Identifier and Return type
Answer: A
9. Which is true about the name and text property of a control?
a) They are the same when the control is first created.
b) The text property changes to match any changes in the name property.
c) The name property changes to match any changes in the text property.
d) They are never the same unless the programmer makes it that way.
Answer: A
10. Which VBScript function can compare two strings?
a) StringCompare
b) Compare
c) StrComp
d) StrCompare
Answer: C
11. Which of the following is used to get error details in VBScript?
a) Err.Number
b) Err.Description
c) Both of the above.
d) None of the above.
Answer: C
12. Expression C = i++ causes_____
a) Value of i assigned to C and then i incremented by 1
b) i to be incremented by 1 and then value of i assigned to C
c) Value of i assigned to C
d) i to be incremented by 1
Answer: D
13. Which of the following are the ways to create a Javascript Object?
a) var obj = {};
b) var obj = Object.create().
c) var obj = new Object();
d) All of the above
Answer: D

14. Which NameSpace is used to access the metadata in an Assembly?
a) System.Assembler
b) System.Reflection
c) System.IO
d) System.XML
Answer: B
15. Which of the following is true about cookie handling in VBScript?
a) VBScript can manipulate cookies using the cookie property of the Document object
b) VBScript can read, create, modify, and delete the cookie or cookies that apply to the current web page.
c) Both of the above.
d) None of the above.
Answer: C
16. Which of the following keywords are used to control access to a class member ?
a) protected
b) switch
c) goto
d) for
Answer: A
17. Why JavaScript is called as Lightweight Programming Language ?
a) because JS can provide programming functionality inside but up to certain extend.
b) because JS is available free of cost.
c) because we can add programming functionality inside JS
d) because JS is client side scripting
Answer: A
18. Which of the following is a server-side JavaScript object?
a) FileUpLoad
b) File
c) Function
d) Date
Answer: B

19. Which is not a property of the Common control class?
a) Show
b) BackColor
c) Font
d) ForeColor
Answer: A
20. Which of the following statements creates an object in VBScript?
a) Set obj = CreateObject('Scripting.Dictionary')
b) Dim obj = new Scripting.Dictionary
c) Both of the above.
d) None of the above.
Answer: A
21. What is the datatype of a variable in VBScript?
a) String
b) Variant
c) It is the datatype specified when that variable is declared.
d) None of the above
Answer: B
22. In the Select Case statement, which case is used for unknown cases?
a) Else
b) Default
c) Unknown
d) Not
Answer: A
23. What is the scope of a constant declared using Public in VBScript?
a) The Public constants are available for all the scripts and procedures.
b) The Public Constants are available within the procedure or Class.
c) Both of the above
d) None of the above.

24. A static function_____
a) should be called when an object is destroyed
b) is closely connected with an individual object of a class
c) can be called using the class name and function
d) is used when a dummy object must be created
Answer: C
25. The library function exit() causes an exit from ?
a) The loop in which it occurs
b) The block in which it occurs
c) The function in which it occurs
d) The program in which it occurs
Answer: D
26. What is true about a Constructor ?
a) Its name is plural of class name.
b) Its name has * symbol before it.
c) Its name is same as of class name.
d) Its name has # symbol before it.
Answer: C
27. Which of the following function declaration is/are incorrect?
a) int Sum(int a, int b = 2, int c = 3);
b) int Sum(int a = 5, int b);
c) int Sum(int a = 0, int b, int c = 3);
d) All are correct.
Answer: D
28. When a derived class inherits from many base classes, this process is known as ?
a) multiple inheritance
b) multilevel inheritance
c) default inheritance
d) multiplex inheritance
Answer: A
29. A base class will offer_____
a) offer more specific objects than its derived classes
b) correspond to something in the rest world
c) behave badly when the chops are down
d) be a generalized version of its derived classes
Answer: D

30. What is the purpose of a return statement in a function?
a) Returns the value and continues executing rest of the statements, if any
b) Returns the value and stops the program
c) Returns the value and stops executing the function
d) Stops executing the function and returns the value
Answer: D
31. What is the use of "this" keyword in javascript?
a) It refers to current object
b) It is a variable which contains value
c) It refers to previous object
d) None of the above
Answer: A
32. What is the correct JavaScript syntax to write "Hello World"?
a) System.out.println("Hello World")
b) println ("Hello World")
c) document.write("Hello World")
d) response.write("Hello World")
Answer: C
33. Which are the standard prefixes for the Button and Combo box controls respectively?
a) btn and chb
b) bto and chb
c) bto and cbo
d) btn and cbo
Answer: D
34. The CancelButton property belongs to which object?
a) Button
b) Form
c) Label
d) TextBox
Answer: B
35. Which type of project can a developer choose in the New Project dialog box?
a) Visual Basic Projects
b) Visual C# Projects
c) Visual C++ Projects
d) All of the above.
Answer: D

36. Which are the standard prefixes for the text box and label controls respectively?
a) tex and lbl
b) tex and lab
c) txb and lbl
d) txb and lab
Answer: C
37. Visual Studio .NET provides which feature:_____
a) debugging.
b) application deployment.
c) syntax checking.
d) All of the above.
Answer: D
38. Which of the following is true about string value assignment in VBScript?
a) he string values should be assigned without double quotes.
b) The string values should be enclosed within double quotes (").
c) The string values should be enclosed within hash symbol (#).
d) None of the above.
Answer: B
39. Which statement is true for VBScript names e.g. variable names or procedure names?
a) They are case sensitive.
b) They are case insensitive.
c) They are case insensitive but should be written consistently for readability.
d) Only variable names are case insensitive.
Answer: C
40. Which of the following is used to create a constant in VBScript?
a) constant
b) const
c) final
d) None of the above.
Answer: B
41. Which of the following is an attribute of Table tag?
a) SRC
Answer: C

42. JavaScript variables are case-sensitive?
a) TRUE.
c) N.A.
d) N.A.
Answer: A

43. Local Browser used for validations on the Web Pages uses _______.
a) CSS.
b) Java.
c) Js.
d) HTML.
Answer: B

44. The ____ operator determines the type of a given object.
a) typeof
b) instanceof
c) void
d) delete
Answer: A

45. Javascript is _____ language.
a) Client Side.
b) Both.
c) Server Side.
d) None.
Answer: A

46. How to find out the index of a particular character or a string?
a) position().
b) index().
c) indexOf().
d) None of the mentioned.
Answer: C

47. Choose the correct HTML tag for the largest heading?
a) H1 tag.
b) H6 tag.
c) H10 tag.
d) HEAD tag.
Answer: A

48. Comments in XML document is given by:
a) ?-- _ _-- tag.
b) !_ _ _ _! tag.
c) !_ _ _ _ tag.
d) /_ _ _ _ tag.
Answer: C

49. The Sign & operator is ?
a) Address operator.
b) Indirection operator.
c) Logical and.
d) Logical or.
Answer: A

50. What is an ISP?
a) Internet System Protocol.
b) Internal System Program.
c) Internet Service Provider.
d) None of the above.
Answer: C

51. How do you create a new object in JavaScript?
a) var obj = {};
b) var obj=new {};
c) var obj = Object();
d) None of the above.
Answer: A

52. ______ attribute is used to specify the character encoding used in an external script file.
a) type.
b) character.
c) characters.
d) charset.
Answer: D

53. JavaScript is ______ Side Scripting Language.
a) Server.
b) ISP.
c) Browser.
d)None of These.
Answer: C

54. Javascript is an object oriented language?
c) N.A.
d) N.A.
Answer: B

55. JavaScript Code is written inside file having extension _______.
a) .js
b) .javascript
c) .jvs
d) .jsc
Answer: A

56. Javascript is ______ language.
a) Application
b) Programming
c) Scripting
d) None of These.
Answer: C

57. Is it valid to nest functions in JavaScript?
a) Yes.
b) No.
c) N.A.
d) N.A.
Answer: A

58. JavaScript is designed for following purpose_____
a) To Perform Server Side Scripting Opertion.( )
b) To Execute Query Related to DB on Server.
c) To add interactivity to HTML Pages.
d) To Style HTML Pages.
Answer: C

59. The function procedures are ________ by default.
a) public
b) private
c) protected
d) inherited
Answer: A

60. Which of the following converts the expression to Boolean data type in VB.NET?
a) CBool(expression).
b) CByte(expression).
c) CChar(expression).
d) CDate(expression).
Answer: A

61. Which is not a common control event?
a) Click.
b) SingleClick.
c) DoubleClick.
d) MouseMove.
Answer: B

62. The Tick event is found only in which object?
a) Form
b) Button
c) TextBox
d) Timer
Answer: D

63. Which of the following function prototypes is perfectly acceptable?
a) int Function(int Tmp = Show());
b) float Function(int Tmp = Show(int, float));
c) Both A and B.
d) float = Show(int, float) Function(Tmp);
Answer: A

64. The Boolean data type:
a) is unsigned.
b) has two states.
c) is displayed by the program as yes or no.
d) Both a and b.
Answer: D

65. In event-driven programming an event is generated by: 
a) The system.
b) A user's action.
c) The program itself.
d) All of the above.
Answer: D

66. The Activated event is found only in which object?
a) Form
b) Button
c) TextBox
d) Label
Answer: A

67. Which is a valid statement for declaring a variable?
a) Const Form As Integer.
b) Const myForm As Integer.
c) Dim Form As Integer.
d) Dim myForm As Integer.
Answer: D

68. Type casting in VB.Net is implemented by means of _______ statement.
a) Type()
b) TypeDef()
c) Btype()
d) Ctype()
Answer: D

69. Which is not an integer data type?
a) Single
b) Byte
c) Short
d) Integer
Answer: A

70. The ______ method converts an OLE automation date value to a DateTime Instance.
a) Today
b) TimeOfDay
c) Now
d) FromOADate
Answer: D

71. The _____ model does not offer a model for source code reuse.
a) COM+
c) COM
d) .Net
Answer: C

72. Which of the following Loop structure does not supported by VB.Net?
a) Do ....... Loop
b) For ......... Next
c) Do ........ While
d) For Each ........ While
Answer: C

73. What does IDE stand for_______?
a) Integrated Development Environment.
b) Integrated Design Environment.
c) Interior Development Environment.
d) Interior Design Environment.
Answer: A

74. Which is a numeric data type?
a) Floating point
b) Integer
c) Boolean
d) Both a and b.
Answer: D

75. How will you release the memory acquired by an array variable in VBScript?
a) Using Join function.
b) Using Filter function.
c) Using IsArray function.
d) Using Erase Function.
Answer: D

76. Which is the correct order of precedence of Arithmetic operators?
a) +/*-
b) */+-
c) +-*/
d) +*-/
Answer: B

77. Is VBScript case sensitive?
c) Private
d) All of the above.
Answer: B

78. The .Net class library:________
a) Contains over 25,000 classes.
b) Uses namespaces to manage all of the classes.
c) Uses namespaces to manage all of the classes.
d) Both a and b.
Answer: D

79. The name of a constant:________
a) Must both begin with a letter and be all upper case.
b) Does not have to begin with a letter but must be all upper case.
c) Must begin with a letter but can be upper or lower case.
d) Does not have to begin with a letter and be either upper or lower case.
Answer: D

80. The ___________ method converts an OLE automation date value to a DateTime Instance.
a) Today
b) TimeOfDay
c) Now
d) FromOADate
Answer: D

81. The proper operator precedence, from first to last, is:________
a) logical, comparison, and arithmetic.
b) Arithmetic, comparison, and logical.
c) Arithmetic, logical, and comparison.
d) Comparison, arithmetic, and logical.
Answer: B

82. If no access modifier is specified for a class, it is considered ____________
a) Public
b) Private
c) Friend
d) Protected
Answer: A

83. Which does the solution explorer not display?
a) Form Properties
b) Reference Folder
c) Form File
d) Assemble File
Answer: A

84. What is the scope of a constant declared using Private in VBScript?
a) The Private constants are available for all the scripts and procedures.
b) The Private Constants are available within the procedure or Class.
c) Both of the above.
d) None of the above.
Answer: B

85. Which browser has built-in support for executing VBScript?
a) Internet Explorer
b) Mozilla Firefox
c) Opera
d) None of these
Answer: A

86. Which of the following is true about numeric value assignment in VBScript?
a) The numeric values should be assigned without double quotes.
b) The numeric values should be enclosed within doublequotes(").
c) The numeric values should be enclosed within hash symbol(#).
d) None of the above.
Answer: A

87. Which of the following operator is supported in VBScript?
a) Arithmetic Operators
b) Comparison Operators
c) Logical Operators
d) All of the above.
Answer: D

88. What is the difference between the Sub procedure and Function procedure?
a) Only the Sub procedure can perform actions.
b) Both procedures can take arguments.
c) Only the Function procedure can return a value.
d) N.A.
Answer: C

89. How will you get the exponent of the given number in VBScript?
a) Using Abs function
b) Using Exp function
c) Using InStr function
d) Using InStrRev function
Answer: B

90. How will you get the square root of the given number in VBScript?
a) Using Oct function.
b) Using Hex function.
c) Using Rnd function.
d) Using Sqr function.
Answer: D

91. How will you increase the size of an array in VBScript?
a) Using ReDim statement.
b) Using Split function.
c) Using LBound function.
d)Using UBound function
Answer: A

92. How to return a value from a function in VBScript?
a) Using return keyword.
b) Assign the value to the function name itself.
c) Both of the above.
d) None of the above.
Answer: B

93. How will you get the smallest subscript of an array in VBScript?
a) Using ReDim statement.
b) Using LBound function.
c) Using UBound function.
d) Using Split function.
Answer: B

94. How will you format a number in percetage format in VBScript?
a) Using FormatNumber Function.
b) Using FormatPercent function.
c) Using Int function.
d) Using Log function.
Answer: B

95. How will you get the integer part of a number in VBScript?
a) Using FormatNumber Function.
b) Using FormatPercent function.
c) Using Int function.
d) Using Log function.
Answer: C

96. How will you convert a string to lower case string using VBScript?
a) Using Ucase function.
b) Using Ucase function.
c) Using Ltrim function.
d) Using Rtrim function.
Answer: A

97. How will you trim the spaces on the left of a string using VBScript?
a) Using Lcase function.
b) Using Ucase function.
c) Using Ltrim function.
d) Using Rtrim function.
Answer: C

98.How will you get the largest subscript of an array in VBScript?
a) Using ReDim statement.
b) Using LBound function.
c) Using UBound function.
d) Using Split function.
Answer: C

99. How will you replace a string with another string using VBScript?
a) Using Trim function.
b) Using Len function.
c) Using Replace function.
d) Using Space function.
Answer: C

100. How will you reverse a String in VBScript?
a) Using StrReverse function.
b) Using Compare function.
c) Using InStr function.
d) Using toString function.
Answer: A

101. Destructors are called ?
a) Not defined
b) In any order
c) In the reverse order of constructor calls
d) In the same order of constructor calls
Answer: C
102. Which of the following is a valid scope in VBScript?
a) Dim
b) Public
c) Private
d) All of the above.
Answer: D
103. How can we define a member function outside the class ?
a) Using union.
b) Using structure.
c) Using pointers.
d) Using scope resolution.
Answer: D
104. Seek time is________
a) Time taken to retrieve a data.
b) Time taken by read/write head mechanism to position itself over appropriate cylinder.
c) Time taken by appropriate sector to come under read/write.
d) None of the above.
Answer: D
105. The sign && means________
a) Logical OR
b) Bitwise OR
c) Logical AND
d) Bitwise AND
Answer: C
106. Classes that can be used to instantiate objects are called concrete classes.________
c) N.A.
d) N.A.
Answer: A
107. How will you get the octal value of the given number in VBScript?
a) Using Oct function
b) Using Hex function
c) Using Rnd function
d) Using Sqr function
Answer: A
108. Which of the following function prototypes is perfectly acceptable?
a) Int Function(int Tmp = Show());
b) Float Function(int Tmp = Show(int, float));
c) Both A and B.
d) Float = Show(int, float) Function(Tmp);
Answer: A

109. The process of deriving a class from another derived class is known as ?
a) Single inheritance
b) Dual inheritance
c) Multiple inheritance
d) Multilevel inheritance
Answer: C
110. A GUI:________
a) Uses buttons, menus, and icons.
b) Should be easy for a user to manipulate.
c) Stands for Graphic Use Interaction.
d) Both a and b.
Answer: D
111. What is the purpose of an abstract class ?
a) To provide help with database connectivity.
b) To provide data input to other classes.
c) To provide security to other classes.
d) To provide an appropriate base class from which other classes can inherit.
Answer: D
112. What is a class in c++ ?
a) When you define a class, you define a blueprint for a data type.
b) When you define a class, you make get more functionality.
c) When you define a class, you define the logic.
d) When you define a class, you make debugging.
Answer: A
113. The conversion from basic data to class type can be done by ________
a) Writing constructor
b) Is not possible
c) Overloaded casting operator
d) Object of a class
Answer: A
114. What is data hiding ?
a) It is related with hiding internal object details.
b) It is related with showing internal object details.
c) It is related with datatypes.
d) None of above.
Answer: A
115. How to find out the index of a particular character or a string?
a) Position()
b) Index()
c) IndexOf()
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: C
116. Which of the following is not a JavaScript datatype?
a) Boolean
b) String
c) Number
d) Function
Answer: D
117. Which is not a feature of a GUI that makes learning a program easy for users?
a) Online help
b) WYSIWYG formatting
c) Dialog boxes
d) Detailed key strokes and commands
Answer: D
118. The syntax of Eval is ______
a) [objectName.]eval(numeriC.
b) [objectName.]eval(string)
c) [EvalName.]eval(string)
d) [EvalName.]eval(numeriC.
Answer: B

119. ______ attribute is used to specify the character encoding used in an external script file.
a) Type
b) Character
c) Character
d) Charset
Answer: D
120. What is the output of this expression? x = 2 + "2"; document.write(x);
a) 22
b) 4
c) 2
d) syntax error
Answer: A
121. Which of the following is not a valid JavaScript variable name?
a) 5myvalue
b) myvalue5
c) Myvalue
d) None of the above
Answer: A

122. What would we use to know if a value returned in a datatable is NULL in the database?
a) IsDbNull( )
b) IsEmpty( )
c) ISNull( )
d) None
Answer: A

123. Which was the first browser to support JavaScript ?
a) Google Chrome
b) Netscape
c) Mozilla Firefox
d) IE
Answer: B

124. Which operator creates a new object from the specified object type?
a) Obj
b) Create
c) New
d) None of the above
Answer: C

125. Which of the following is a valid scope in VBScript?
a) Dim
b) Public
c) Private
d) All of the above.
Answer: D

126. Using turbo C++ library function can ?
a) Color any closed figure
b) Draw lines and circles
c) Write in variety of fonts and sizes
d) All of the above
Answer: D

127. Choose the most appropriate statement.
a) An abstract base class can have pure virtual destructor.
b) An abstract base class can have only virtual destructor.
c) An abstract base class can have non virtual destructor.
d) An abstract base class cannot have destructor.
Answer: D

128. Overloaded function _____.
a) Are a group of functions, with the same value.
b) All have the same number and types of arguments.
c) Make life simpler for programmers.
d) May fail unexpectedly due to stress.
Answer: C

129. Which symbol is used to create multiple inheritance?
a) Dot
b) Comma
c) Dollar
d) None of the mentioned
Answer: B

130. Which of the following cannot be passed to a function ?
a) Array
b) Reference variable
c) Object
d) File
Answer: D

131. Inheritance is referred to as_____
a) "is a" relationship
b) "have a" relationship
c) Both of above
d) None of above.
Answer: A

132. Which of the following statements is incorrect?
a) Default arguments can be provided for pointers to functions.
b) A function can have all its arguments as default.
c) Default argument cannot be provided for pointers to functions.
d) A default argument cannot be redefined in later declaration.
Answer: C

133. What is actual syntax of destructor in c++ ?
a) !Classname( )
b) @Classname( )
c) $Classname( )
d) ~Classname( )
Answer: D

134. Which of the following functions below can be used Allocate space for array in memory?
a) calloc()
b) malloc()
c) realloc()
d) Both a and b
Answer: D

135. Which of the following operators below allow to define the member functions of a class outside the class?
a) ::
b) ?
c) :?
d) %
Answer: A

136. Classes in c++ are ?
a) Fundamental data type.
b) Primitive data type.
c) Desired data type.
d) Not defined.
Answer: C

137. Which among following is correct way of declaring object of a class ?
a) Classname Objectname;
b) Class Classname Objectname;
c) Class Classname Object Objectname;
d) Classname Object Objectname;
Answer: A

138. Which of the following function prototypes is perfectly acceptable?
a) int Function(int Tmp = Show());
b) float Function(int Tmp = Show(int, float));
c) Both A and B.
d) float = Show(int, float) Function(Tmp);
Answer: A

139. The signature of a function is its ..... ?
a) Function code.
b) Prototype.
c) Call.
d) Parameter list.
Answer: B

140. When one class inherits from the base class, then the original class is called_____
a) Derived class.
b) Base class.
c) Sub class.
d) Basic class.
Answer: B

141. Which loop is used to iterate till a condition becomes true?
a) For Next loop
b) For Each Next loop
c) Do While loop
d) Do Until loop
Answer: D

142. Dividing a program into functions_____
a) is the key to object oriented programming
b) makes the program easier to conceptualize
c) makes the program run faster
d) both (B) and (C)
Answer: C

143. Can we define array of classes in c++ ?
a) Yes
b) No
c) N.A.
d) N.A.
Answer: A

144. What is true about a Constructor ?
a) Its name is plural of class name.
b) Its name has * symbol before it.
c) Its name is same as of class name.
d) Its name has # symbol before it.
Answer: C

145. What are the three important manipulations done in a for loop on a loop variable?
a) Updation, Incrementation, Initialization
b) Initialization, Testing, Updation
c) Testing, Updation, Testing
d) Initialization, Testing, Incrementation
Answer: B

146. The browser uses _____ tag to detect javascript.
a) js tag.
b) scripting tag.
c) script type="text/javascript" tag.
d) javascript tag.
Answer: C

147. Which of the ways below is incorrect of instantiating a date?
a) new Date (dateString)
b) new Date()
c) new Date(seconds)
d) new Date(year, month, day, hours, minutes, seconds, milliseconds)
Answer: C

148. Which are the different ways to enumerate all properties of an object?
a) loops
b) Object.getOwnPropertyNames()
c) Object.keys()
d) All of the above
Answer: D

149. What is the alternate name for Java script?
a) LimeScript
b) ECMScript
c) Coffee Script
d) ECMAScript
Answer: D

150. JavaScript is designed for following purpose _____
a) To Perform Server Side Scripting Opertion
b) To Execute Query Related to DB on Server
c) To add interactivity to HTML Pages
d) To Style HTML Pages
Answer: C

151. What is the most essential purpose of parentheses in regular expressions ?
a) Define pattern matching techniques
b) Define subpatterns within the complete pattern
c) Define portion of strings in the regular expression
d) All of the mentioned
Answer: B

152. VB.Net identifiers:_____
a) are case sensitive.
b) can begin with an underscore.
c) can begin with a number.
d) Both a and b.
Answer: B

153. An object is composed of:_____
a) properties.
b) events.
c) method
d) all of the above
Answer: D

154. What is the purpose of Invoke Method?
a) Used to call any procedure
b) Used to call the procedure through Delegate variable
c) Both
d) none
Answer: B

155. The Button control can be activated:_____
a) programmatically through the click event.
b) by clicking the button with the mouse.
c) with the forms DefaultButton property.
d) Both a and b.
Answer: D

156. Which task is accomplished in the Code editor?
a) Adding forms to the project
b) Adding controls to the form
c) Adding event procedures to the form
d) All of the above.
Answer: C

157. Which is not a main component of the Visual Studio IDE?
a) Solution Explorer
b) Tool Box
c) Start Menu
d) Designer Window
Answer: C

158. Which is not a feature of a GUI that makes learning a program easy for users?
a) Online help
b) WYSIWYG formatting
c) Dialog boxes
d) Detailed key strokes and commands
Answer: D

159. What is an object in C++ ?
a) Object is part of syntax of a class.
b) Object is datatype of a class.
c) Object is an instance of a class.
d) Object is function of a class.
Answer: C

160. Which of the following function of VBScript converts a given number of any variant subtype to Long?
a) CDbl
b) CInt
c) CLng
d) CSng
Answer: C

161. Which of the following function of VBScript converts a given number of any variant subtype to Double?
a) CDbl
b) CInt
c) CLng
d) CSng
Answer: A

162. Which VBScript function converts an input string to all lowercase?
a) LCase
b) LowerCase
c) Lower
d) There is no such function to directly convert to lowercase.
Answer: A

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